

Electric Algae is a renewable energy startup that aims to generate clean and renewable energy from macroalgae.

The world energy crisis has highlighted the need for more readily available energy resources that are also soil-less, affordable, and sustainable.

Electric Algae’s solution uses a simple and cost-effective Bioelectrical System (BES) to convert solar energy into electrical current through photosynthetic organisms, generating electricity from macroalgae.

The startup’s circular economy business model includes generating bioelectric energy from algae, while also providing an autonomous food supply and clean water.

Founded in 2023, Electric Algae was created as the commercial continuation of research carried out at the Technion — Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa.

The Technion team of researchers discovered that the electrical current in seaweed (macroalgae) is similar to that in a photovoltaic solar cell, which is used in solar panels.

Unlike solar panels, however, which produce electricity only when it’s sunny outside, seaweed produces it in the sun and the dark. The Electric Algae solution is based on the photosynthesis reactions of algae while obtaining carbon dioxide from seawater.


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